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About Us

Satvaidik Vashnavi Incense Sticks Agarbatti | Organic Incense Sticks

Our Legacy

Since its establishment in 1975, Satvaidik Agarbatti has been dedicated to the art of crafting incense sticks. Over the decades, we have garnered widespread recognition and trust from our valued customers and industry peers.

Our remarkable journey of success is attributed to the relentless dedication and visionary leadership of our founder, Mr. AlpeshBhai Viroliya. We specialize in creating and distributing incense sticks of unparalleled quality that consistently outshine our competitors. Each incense stick is meticulously fashioned with meticulous attention to detail, with the singular aim of offering the very best to our discerning customers.

Harmony with Body and Soul.

Our incense flavors are thoughtfully designed to align with the seven chakras within the human body: Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana), Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna), and Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). 

These incense sticks are expertly crafted to harmonize with the body’s subtle energy centers, fostering a connection to higher consciousness, inner peace, and the spiritual essence of Sandalwood. They create an atmosphere of serenity, enhancing your spiritual journey, and facilitating relaxation, Crown Chakra balance, and a profound sense of tranquility. Ideal for moments of meditation and introspection, our products envelop you in the soothing aura of Sandalwood, enabling you to embrace your unique spiritual path.

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